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Virtual ward helps heart failure patients recover safely at home

Case Studies
Date Published
April 27, 2023
Date Published
Raj Phull
Virtual ward helps heart failure patients recover safely at home

A London NHS Trust is utilising a virtual ward to help patients with heart failure, enabling them to be safely discharged and supported in their homes. By using Clinitouch, our remote patient monitoring platform, heart failure patients can stay connected with their clinical team to facilitate their recovery after hospital discharge.

The virtual ward promotes patient autonomy, eases pressure on the hospital’s emergency department, and ensures patients can continue to receive the necessary care safely and comfortably in their own homes.

Aims & Objectives

  • To safely monitor heart failure patients at home
  • To reduce number of inpatient admissions
  • To reduce length of stay in hospital

How it works

  • Patient - Referred by a heart failure consultant to the virtual ward team providing the patient meets the referral criteria. Patient is given access to Clinitouch and remote monitoring equipment. At home, the patient answers health questions and takes vital sign readings on Clinitouch.
  • Clinitouch - The platform has unique algorithms that automatically analyse and risk-score the data. It will highlight when any patient moves outside the agreed parameters.
  • Virtual Ward Nursing Team - Remotely monitor heart failure patients using the information the patients submit on Clinitouch. If patient is flagged amber or red on Clinitouch interventions are made.

Expected Outcomes

  • Reduction in prolonged hospital stays – which are associated with hospital acquired infections, reduced mobility, sleep deprivation and low mood.
  • Improved patient self-management and knowledge of their condition.

Arul Bangalore, Lead Matron, Virtual Ward & Rapid Response Services for Whittington Health NHS Trust comments:

“As clinicians, we make plans for the patients, but by having this kind of technology, we involve the patients in the decision making. It’s about working in partnership with the patients and promoting autonomy.”

Keep up to date with remote monitoring and virtual ward learnings that could help you make a real impact in your organisation.

Virtual ward helps heart failure patients recover safely at home

Case Studies
Date Published
April 27, 2023
Raj Phull
Virtual ward helps heart failure patients recover safely at home

A London NHS Trust is utilising a virtual ward to help patients with heart failure, enabling them to be safely discharged and supported in their homes. By using Clinitouch, our remote patient monitoring platform, heart failure patients can stay connected with their clinical team to facilitate their recovery after hospital discharge.

The virtual ward promotes patient autonomy, eases pressure on the hospital’s emergency department, and ensures patients can continue to receive the necessary care safely and comfortably in their own homes.

Aims & Objectives

  • To safely monitor heart failure patients at home
  • To reduce number of inpatient admissions
  • To reduce length of stay in hospital

How it works

  • Patient - Referred by a heart failure consultant to the virtual ward team providing the patient meets the referral criteria. Patient is given access to Clinitouch and remote monitoring equipment. At home, the patient answers health questions and takes vital sign readings on Clinitouch.
  • Clinitouch - The platform has unique algorithms that automatically analyse and risk-score the data. It will highlight when any patient moves outside the agreed parameters.
  • Virtual Ward Nursing Team - Remotely monitor heart failure patients using the information the patients submit on Clinitouch. If patient is flagged amber or red on Clinitouch interventions are made.

Expected Outcomes

  • Reduction in prolonged hospital stays – which are associated with hospital acquired infections, reduced mobility, sleep deprivation and low mood.
  • Improved patient self-management and knowledge of their condition.

Arul Bangalore, Lead Matron, Virtual Ward & Rapid Response Services for Whittington Health NHS Trust comments:

“As clinicians, we make plans for the patients, but by having this kind of technology, we involve the patients in the decision making. It’s about working in partnership with the patients and promoting autonomy.”

Keep up to date with remote monitoring and virtual ward learnings that could help you make a real impact in your organisation.

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